Sunday, April 14, 2013

Moto? Taxi?

Taxis and Motos in Piura
Public transportation in Piura is plentiful. Most people don't have their own cars and even fewer know how to drive. It's a different culture than what I'm used to living in. I miss Blaze!  Here's my rough guide to public transportation in Piura, Peru.

She looks thrilled to be on the back of the motorcycle.
1. Walk. Yep, my own two feet get me around 99% of the time. Though as I walk around town, horns honk and drivers call out, "Taxi?" or "Moto?" Yeah, you know what, your annoying honking or calling at me is going to change my mind. Sheesh. If I need a moto or taxi, I'll get one.

2. Motocycle (motos)
You can ride on the back of a motorcycle with or without helmet. After seeing the driving practices in Peru, I haven't dared this method. It's cheap though. I just am afraid of getting that close to a stranger and also tipping it over because of my weight. It's also dangerously funny to see how many people stuff themselves onto a single motorcycle. Babies and small children are smashed in between adults, or in front of the driver. It's terribly dangerous and I see it every day. About a sole or so.

3. Combi/Collectivos
A standard moto 
These are minivans that drive around with a man taking fares and yelling at you for the bus route. They're cheap but you can be squashed into the van like a sausage. You also have to know where they're going, and be able to tell them where to stop. Less than a sole.

3. Motos

A typical taxi
These are modified motorcycles. There are lots of varieties of motos. Some of them have been tricked out and some are the basic model. They're loud, (mufflers are novelty around here I think). Witihn the moto class, you will find the moto generalis, the cute little Cars motos, and some tricked out ones. Motos are plentiful and range in price depending on where you go. They are cheaper than taxis but slower. You arrange a price for where you want to go before you get in the moto. Prices go up later at night or by distance. s./2-4 soles

 4. Taxis
Taxis are the most expensive, but the rates vary on the type of taxi you take. The older, junkier taxis cost less than the fancier, newer taxis. Some taxis are private cars. As well, you arrange a price before you get in the taxi. The later it is, the more expensive it is. Of course, they're faster, but when you get in a traffic jam, it's no different than being in a moto. It is more comfortable to ride in a taxi. In Piura, motos aren't allowed downtown, so when I go to Serpost to get a package, I can only take a taxi. It costs anywhere from s./4-8 soles for a ride. 

These motos remind me of Guido from "Cars."

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